Just another Veterinarian-optout.nwsltr.info site

Pet Dental Health is Important! Picture of a close up of what appears to be a pomeranian, getting its teeth brushed.

Pet Dental Health is Important!

Periodontal disease is a frequent problem seen in veterinary practices. Primary-care veterinary practices, where diagnosis of periodontal disease is predominantly based on visual oral assessment of conscious dogs, report an average prevalence of 9.3 to 18.2% within the dog population.1 Oral health should not be neglected. Good oral hygiene can prevent certain health issues that […]

The Dangers of Bloat. Picture of a black great dane standing in a field.

The Dangers of Bloat

Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), also known as bloat, is a life-threatening condition in dogs. GDV happens when the stomach expands well past its normal size because of trapped gas or fluid. Afterwards, the stomach begins to twist around itself. This can cause major damage to the stomach and surrounding organs. GDV is a life-threatening event that, […]

Your Dog Will Know. Picture of a close-up of the face of a white husky.

Your Dog Will Know

You may have heard that dogs are good judges of character. But did you know they can tell when people are liars? Akiko Takoaka, Ph.D,  of Kyoto University, conducted a study of 24 dogs. A researcher pointed to a container with food concealed underneath. All the dogs went to the container. The researcher then pointed […]

Signs that Your Dog Is Happy. Picture of a small brown dog appearing to be smiling and wagging its tail.

Signs that Your Dog Is Happy

Dog owners love their furry friends. It’s also important to pet owners that their pets love them, too. However, since pets can’t speak, how can one tell if his or her dog is truly happy? Below are some simple ways to read a dog’s body language and behavior to gauge their happiness. There are other […]
